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DOAS has partnered with Purchasing Power®, the leading specialty e-retailer offering an employee purchase program with more than 50,000 name brand consumer products and services through payroll deduction at the workplace.</p><p>Want to learn more about the Employee Purchasing Program? <a href=""><strong>Click on this video</strong></a>, which:</p><ul><li>Describes the benefits of the employee purchasing program;</li><li>Determines your eligibility to participate in the program;</li><li>Lists the requirements to register for the program; and</li><li>Helps you to determine who to contact with questions, comments, or concerns.</li></ul><p>For the best viewing experience we recommend using Chrome. For auditory assistance, download the course transcript from the Resources tab in the course player after you launch the course.</p><p>Click on the following links for more information about the <a href="">Employee Purchasing Program,</a> the <a href="">Employee Purchasing Program Policy</a>, <a href="">Frequently Asked Questions</a>, and a <a href="">Purchasing Power video</a>.</p><p><em><strong>Ready to get started?</strong></em> Go to <a href=""><strong></strong></a> or call 1-800-537-3134<strong>. </strong>Send questions and comments to</p><p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Purchasing Power" width="156" height="200"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Purchasing Power" width="133" height="200"></a></p>" "summary" => "A purchasing program that offers over 50,000 consumer brand products and allows state employees to buy today and pay tomorrow from their paychecks." 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