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Kemp.</p><p>The purpose of this week is to recognize and celebrate our employees and the work they do for the citizens of the State of Georgia. It provides an excellent opportunity to highlight the achievements and contributions our employees make daily.</p><p>Agencies throughout the State will to express appreciation in various ways to their employees. </p><p>Some suggestions for celebrating include:</p><ul><li>Thank each employee personally. If you can’t thank someone in person, draft a handwritten note, send an e-mail or make a phone call.</li><li>Post a “Recognition Bulletin Board” and encourage employees to write accolades about their coworkers.</li><li>Send a short article about a great employee or team, along with a photo, to <a href=""></a> to be featured on the Team Georgia website.</li></ul><p>All agencies are encouraged to participate!</p><p>Looking for more ways to recognize and thank employees? The National Association of State Personnel Executives offers a <a href="">handy guidebook</a>.</p><p>How will your agency celebrate? Share your ideas, stories and photos with us at <a href=""></a>!</p>" "summary" => "A designated week during which the state of Georgia officially acknowledges and celebrates employees for their service and significant achievements." 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